Jun 22

    5 things one should plan on personal finance.

    1. Life Insurance – Adequate life cover. Buy a term plan with adequate cover (10 times or 20 times of annual income). Insurance is not an investment product as the cost of traditional endowment plans and money-back plans is high and returns are lower than fixed deposit interest. ULIPs have higher cost than equity mutual […]
    Jun 8

    Are your Investments Tax Efficient?

    How to invest tax-efficiently  Create a strategy to help manage, defer, and reduce taxes Tax Smart Investment strategies you should consider While tax rules and rates may change over time, the value of keeping taxes in mind when making investment decisions does not. The reason? Taxes can reduce your investment returns from year-to-year, potentially jeopardizing […]
    May 30

    Before you tread the path….

    Is there really a difference between saving and InvestingSaving Vs Investing Most of us think that Saving and Investing are the same thing. While the terms are often used interchangeably by many, they are as different as chalk and cheese. The difference between your monthly income and your expenses is what constitutes your “savings”. But […]
    May 23

    Are you Adequately Covered

    ADEQUATE LIFE  & HEALTH INSURANCE COVER for you & your entire FAMILY is today’s NEED of TIME⌚No one knows about tomorrow so make it SURE by YOURSELF & TODAY itself ✅ Adequate health care for the whole family. Life Insurance –  Adequate life cover . Buy a term plan with adequate cover (10 times or 20 […]
    Apr 30


    Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB) are issued by Reserve Bank on behalf of Government of India and are traded on Stock Exchanges. SGBs are government securities denominated in grams of gold.  Issuer: Reserve Bank on behalf of Government of India  Date of subscription – May 11,2020 û May 15, 2020  Why to invest in SGB:  ▪ Bond carry sovereign guarantee […]
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